Download Pokemon Insurgence 1 20 2 For Mac Average ratng: 3,5/5 7443 reviews
Help Us Improve This List. Help us improve this selection of completed Pokemon rom hacks. If you know a Pokemon rom hack you think should be included in the list; Let us know by posting the rom hack name in the comment form below. After i failed to save in pokemon diamond i tried to make one 4 black and it saved but at the same time the day before I did manage to save on both pokemon diamond and black. My computer is a windows 8 with 8gb Ram, CPU intel i5, 1TB and a nvidia geforce graphics. Right click the app, Show Package Contents, drivec, Program Files, Pokemon Insurgence (or whatever appropriate game you're playing) In both cases, it is the Game.rxdata file. You can create backups of it, or copy and paste it to a different computer to continue your game. Download the game for the Mac or PC at. And embark on over 20 side-quests and explore new areas! The download for Pokemon Insurgence can be found at this link. This release was scrapped due to bugs, and merged into 1.2.2. Game is now theoretically complete, aside from potential bug fixes. Every Pokemon is obtainable. New Megas, Deltas, Armors, etc; Way too many bug fixes to count. Fixed Mystery Gifts; Fixed issue with trading caused by server infrastructure changes; 1.1.8.
Fixed Red Card and Eject Button not triggering
Added a way to restore followers if they suddenly disappeared even after healing in the Battle Frontier, which caused the game to crash when trying to use Rock Climb. To do this, enter the Tournament Pathway leading to/from the Battle Frontier and Roggan Town.
Fixed a bug with genders in trading which caused the game to crash and addressed Pokemon which were affected by this particular issue
Fixed being able to leave the Kepler City Poke Mall from the top floor
Resolved an issue preventing some Delta Ditto from being traded
Download Pokemon Insurgence 1 20 2 For Macbook Pro
Fixed an issue causing the player to get stuck when navigating backwards in the Void Gauntlet
Fixed several images that were throwing errors when loaded which did not cause the game to crash but were obnoxious regardless
Nerfed Damian and Nora's trainer school teams a bit on Hard
Nerfed Orion's Charmeleon a bit on Normal
Removed the held item from Orion's Vulpix and changed Energy Ball to Hidden Power Grass on Normal
Reduced the cost of Ability Capsules to match Gen 6 prices
Fixed an AI bug that didn't recognize Aerilate when calculating damage
Crystal Metagross's stats have been updated to more accurately reflect what is posted on Azurite's website.
Fixed being able to walk through the mountain near the entrance to Victory Road - Frost
Fixed Dazzling Gleam getting replaced with Tackle on Espeon and other similar errors on various Eeveelutions
Fixed Calreath's Manaphy and Goodra not attacking
Kyurem now has its signature moves from each form actually turn into each other when changing forms instead of losing them when changing forms.
You can no longer use healing moves in the overworld if your HP is 0 or less
Addressed an issue which was leaving the possibility (though I'm still not quite sure how) of leaving some battle facilities without having your ability to use items reenabled
Ability Capsules now print out a confirmation and show the ability it's changing to before using it. Contrary to what *some of you* may want to believe, I was not aware that this is how Ability Capsules are supposed to work.
Switched out the Meloetta Puzzle in the Cave of Origin for something less difficult
Fixed an issue with Egg Challenges not teaching you level up moves when raising the hatched Pokemon to the caught Pokemon's level.
Realigned Delta Blaziken's follower sprites
Realigned Golbat's follower sprites
Fixed Dragon Tail causing sprites to disappear in wild double battles
Livewire and Permafrost are no longer blocked by Baton Passing a Substitute, to be consistent with Toxic Spikes mechanics.
EVs are now capped at 252 max in a single stat. If your Pokemon had more than 252 EVs before applying this patch then you will still need to lower it below 255 manually.
Fixed more tile issues in all Pokemon Centers/Malls
Fixed losing in the Memory Chamber disabling Surf/Dive/Bike sprites and not refreshing followers properly
Disabled the use of the DexNav during the Elite 4 challenge
Irrelephant is now considered in the type effectiveness calculations of Omnitype
Soak now has 100% accuracy instead of never being able to miss
Dragonify and Medusa Ray PP increased from 10 to 20 to match Soak's PP
Fixed the description of Achilles Heel shown in the TM menu
Fixed sprites reappearing weirdly after the use of Spirit Away
Sky Drop and Spirit Away no longer bypass Substitutes under Infiltrator, to match changes made to Infiltrator in Gen 6.
Fixed Red Pokemon turning into their regular forms briefly in the Challenge Championship
Regirock and Regice now need the other region's questline to be completed before appearing (Registeel was the only one that had this set before for some reason)
Fixed AI Primal Kyogre never using damaging moves if status moves were available
You can no longer sell Crystal Pieces
Removed spots in Holon soaring where you could land in Oranos Town or Gaea Town
Fixed the transparency issues on Winter Sawsbuck's follower sprite
Fixed Snarl being physical instead of special
Addressed an issue with some Friend Safaris containing invalid Pokemon, potentially causing the game to crash in the grass on wild encounter.
Added a blocker to prevent you from going down the Jade Tower entrance to the Perfection Base when you need to catch up with Nora and potentially causing the game to freeze.
Removed Delta Petilil (Fairy) from Whirlpool learn list, added Delta Lilligant (Water) to Whirlpool learn list
Removed Delta Petilil (Water) from Defog learn list, added Delta Petilil (Fairy) to Defog learn list.
Omnitype is correctly considered when taking damage from Stealth Rock
Fixed field moves causing some Pokemon to Mega Evolve/Primal Revert outside of battle
Encore no longer works on moves that call other moves (Metronome, etc.)
Fixed an issue with Transform and Morph failing to copy the target's weight correctly.
Corrected the amount of weight a user of Autotomize loses
Fixed Retrograde reverting Pokken Pokemon to their non-Pokken forms
Reconfirmed that all issues with fainting and respawning in the Infernal Base are fixed
Reconfirmed that all issues with spawning in Darkrai's shack do not cause the player to become stuck.
Fixed Pokemon becoming fully healed after completing the trainer school on Nuzlockes
Added Delta Charmander to Dragonify learn list
Added Delta Charmander and Delta Charmeleon to Quash learn list.
Fixed encountering a shiny Pokemon in the Safari Zone causing the game to crash
Charmander now learns Dragon Breath through breeding
Fixed a particular tile allowing Pokemon to level up for some reason.
Fixed being able to surf on land in Holon marsh
Fixed being able to get stuck in a wall after surfing on Route 8
Fixed being able to walk on a part of the wall in Kepler City
Added Delta Misdreavus and Delta Mismagius to the Flash TM learn list
Fixed Cresselia being able to replace the Delta in Selene City
Fixed Wonder Traded Pokemon not adding to Seen/Owned list in Pokedex
Telekinesis and its TM are now Psychic type
Pokemon should now no longer change gender over trade
Fixed the AI bugging out when deciding if it should use Attract while the opposing Pokemon holds a Destiny Knot
Added missing trainer sprite for Veteran Dusk in the Memory Chamber
Fixed Shadow Mewtwo reverting to normal Mewtwo when Mega Evolving after swapping items beforehand
Updated Pokerus sprites to make it easier to distinguish between active and cured Pokerus
Fixed a softlock with talking to the guard in the Miara Museum and saying no
Fixed getting stuck in the Jade Tower stairs
Fixed being able to pass through some trees in Settlement Alfa
Fixed Dig, etc. returning as a failed move if used while no target is on the field
Removed the tree housing Delta Darumaka to circumvent an unreproducible bug that has persisted several patches (Delta Darumaka is now encountered outside of the tree)
Pokemon with Magic Guard no longer take Poison damage in the overworld
Fixed potentially not being able to escape from the Relic Song portal in Holon Mountain
Fixed an oversight with sound effects to allow the title screen cry's volume to be reduced
Fixed the game crashing in Terminus Cave when speaking to Zygarde without Zygarde in the party and the party not being full
Fixed online issues with Custom Move
This version is not available as a patch, only as a core. (Due to the 1.2.5 version having a large changelog, only the summary from the official website is written here). The full list of changes can be found here. Summary
Major overworld graphics overhauls courtesy of EchoTheThird.
The hunt for the Zygarde Cells begins! A new event to capture Zygarde has also been added (if you caught Zygarde before this patch then you’ll effectively get two Zygardes).
Due to save corruption issues occurring for many, many, many users, Autosave and the script which saves your game when the game stops responding have been disabled. Remember to use Quick Save often, and in the event that your character becomes stuck in an event, don’t carelessly spam the Quick Save key.
The Book of Leaves is now available from a place that has lots of books
All Mega Stones are now available. No Mega Stones are locked behind Battle Frontier rewards.
Any Pokemon which were unattainable before are now obtainable.
All Pokken Pokemon (Red Gardevoir, Shadow Mewtwo, etc.) are usable by the player and do not revert to their normal forms at all. The guy at the Pokemon League has been reset for those of you that had issues with your Red Gardevoirs before. You might notice something new with them in battle as well…
It is now possible for you to use Crystal Delta Metagross. If Taen never showed off Crystal Delta Metagross before…he does now.
Randomizers have been upgraded to include randomized gift Pokemon (including eggs not obtained at the Daycare) and randomized items.
The battle AI has been massively overhauled. It is still far from perfect but is much, much closer to the difficulty that we are looking to achieve.
All Deltas have been moved out of the Game Corner and have been given their own unique events in the overworld.
Secret Base uploading and other online features have been fixed. This does not include the GTS and Battling, which have both regrettably been removed.
There should no longer be any issues with breeding, especially Delta breeding.
The Battle Frontier has been entirely fixed aside from Battle Factory double battles and the Battle Pyramid, both of which you should no longer be able to access at all.
Numerous Quality of Life upgrades both in the overworld, menus, and in battle.
This includes bag sorting (F5 key by default). You’ll need to sort the main bag slot once to be able to use your old Mega Stones.
One additional reward is now available for completing the Pokedex. If you’ve already gotten your rewards for completing the Pokedex, talk to Professor Sylvan again.
It is now possible to apply the Masuda Method to eggs. For this, you will need to confirm that the language on your computer is the region that you are interested in using for the Masuda Method.
Many, many other bug fixes.
(This patch was a testing patch only released on the official discord server, the patch caused a glitch preventing Delta Ditto from breeding with other Pokémon).
Fixed a sponsorship crash
Fixed Delta Muk with ability capsule
Fixed electric terrain
Moved kyurem to VR and made it work
Crystal rush
Bag items are unusable in bfrontier?factory?
Removed Battle factory rest as it was causing issues
Had Adam not use the max revive on the Greninja
Adam should switch into Spiritomb quick
Gave Cloud Bottle to dude in Amphitrite
Fixed an issue with level caps
Munchlax replaced Fennekin. Fennekin replaced Pansear in the Crossroads Grotto. Porygon also readded to the Game Corner.
Fixed Delta crystal Metagross issue
Fixed Armored Tyranitar backsprite disappearing
Fixed a bug with a dude in gaea
Fixed Kayla's Blaziken not attacking
Fixed no revives on e4
Fixed Yuki's battlefield
Fixed no rewards for Challenge Championship
Added Pikapad sound
Fixed some json issues
Fixed Seviper's learnset so it learns Poison Fang instead of Night Slash at level 22
Fixed various bugs with Deltas and breeding
Added Toxic compatibility to Delta Shinx line (no idea how that got left off)
Added Dark Matter compatibility to Delta Larvesta line
Added Mew to various TMs/tutor move compatibility lists
Added Relic Song compatibility for Delta Meloetta (derp)
Made it so that lists of Pokemon actually exist for Counter and Soft-boiled (was also going to do Endure until I realized everything can learn that apparently)
This patch now uses a different version # on the trading server, so you will need to use this to trade or battle.
Fixed some quartz flute issues
Fixed Giratina encounter crashing on randomizers
Fixed Red Orb and Blue Orb being key items, cant equip
Fixed Yveltal crash
Fixed an issue with Giratina’s new forme
Fixed Challenge Championship sprite issues and crashes, as well as earning exp
Added “Pikapad”
Fixed an issue where Kepler Town in the rain links to a pokemon center, as well as freed anyone who got stuck because of this error.
Fixed bugs with dev island
Fixed some errors with the witchdoctor .- Fixed wormhole over second region going to wrong location
Fixed some issues with pokepon
Fixed a potential smashing rocks crash
Fixed going wrong way in darkrai postgame
Fixed ability to leave Zygarde cutscene
Fixed Mega froslass not being fire/ghost
Fixed traded pokemon being super glitchy
Fixed Dusk Balls not adjusting catch rate properly
Buffed “Unleafed” ability
Fixed inability to equip backpacks
fixed some sprite issues
fixed a potential hang in a few postgame event s
Fixed Omnitype not actually having the correct resistances
Fixed an issue with D.D. and breeding
Got rid of rescues containing whole game which stopped easy exiting
Fixed stairs to genesect event being broken
Added Blaze Boost to a certain delta
Fixed some debug text in the garden
Fixed a certain move tutor
Fixed losing trainer school tournament teleports you to wrong place
Fixed trainer tournament EXP isssues
Fixed a bug or two where followers got removed
Fixed potential regice cutscene hang
Fixed Regigigas forme issues after capture
Fixed reshiram/zekrom being unattainable
Fixed Azelf not appearing properly
Fixed roamers appearing over static encounters
Added surskit in the wild
Fixed issue with Jirachi event
Fixed getting trapped in Mission 6
Fixed crash when obtaining Delta B_____
Fixed the Challenge Championship being absolutely awful in so many ways
Fixed some bosses music being missing
Fixed a crash with hair in the Infernal base.
Fixed dying and respawning in the Dream Realm causing followers to disappear and inability to use mew abilities (if you had this, go and heal at a chansey to fix it)
Fixed inability to buy new backpacks or hair dyes
Fixed the GTS Warning crashing the game
Fixed 1-1 trading sometimes deshinifying Pokemon.
Made a couple bosses a little bit harder.
Fixed a freeze in the postgame reukra event.
It's now more clear what happens when you dont have internet and check metrics.
Fixed crash in Sonata City.
Fixed soaring naked in the second region.
It's more clear where to go after the Infernal Cult.
Fixed some Giratina bugs.
Added good music for Giratina.
Fixed some small surfing issues.
Fixed Goomy's size
Fixed Delta D____'s 'morph'
Fixed many small issues.
This release was scrapped due to bugs, and merged into 1.2.2
Game is now theoretically complete, aside from potential bug fixes. Every Pokemon is obtainable.
New Megas, Deltas, Armors, etc
Way too many bug fixes to count.
Download Pokemon Insurgence 1 20 2 For Mac Os
Fixed Mystery Gifts
Fixed issue with trading caused by server infrastructure changes
Fixed random egglockes crashing
Fixed Server issues
Updated graphics files
Minor text fixes
A few new Deltas were added to the game for future MGifts, and a new Delta is obtainable ingame (find it!)
One of the Mega Stones being unaccessible was fixed, and 2 more were added (so three new ones, really)
A certain Delta was redesigned! (Hint: it's hidden in Nasca Town)
Worry Seed crash was fixed
You can now find Deltas in Randomizers
Fixed a rock in Dragon Ruins crashing.
You can't use Custom Move online (Fixed being able to do it and crashing)
Randomized enemies will now have their Megas randomized to other Megas
Streamlined Egglockes- now you don't need to have all 4 moves on eggs, and other things.
Fixed Ability Capsule.
Fixed Roost + D. Noivern
Fixed Mega Shiny Eevee sprite
Randomized Level Trainer will use Audinos anyway
Level Trainer now only charges for grinding if you don't buy him yourself (ie go to someone elses base to use theirs)
Fixed Whirl Island grunts locking you out if you lose against Audrey
Fixed Hoopa and Volcanion's movesets being mixed up
Fixed unreleased Deltas being able to be generated in Egglocke and crashing it.
Added Thick Club to Black Market
a whole metric shitton of things I've forgotten to write down and are now lost to the sands of time
Fixed a bug where using certain moves would crash the game.
Fixed a bug where defeating certain Pokemon would crash the game.
Fixed a LOT of bugs to do with online battles.
Fixed a couple egglocke problems.
Fixed mini secret base
Fixed the turbo button fucking up evolutions
Fixed the stats of Zenith's Mega
Removed debug text from races
Fixed Delta Snorunt OW
Fixed Shiny animation
Changed M-D-Bisharp's ability
Fixed M-Spiritomb's icon
Changed D-Noivern's HA and moveset
Nerfed Taen slightly
Added East's will to light story.
Fixed eggs being able to be hatched in races
Kepler City gym flashes blue while leaving
Fixed D-Scraggy line still using old sprite
Changed D-Liepard and D-Muk line's abilities
Removed Roost and Sludge Wave from D-Char line
Illegal Ariados on Route 1
Hid a new mega stone somewhere!
Sped up Mega Animation by a looot
Fixed a looooot of online play bugs, and server should be up now. BUT YOU NEED TO BE ON THIS PATCH TO USE IT. Shameless plug for /r/insurgencebattles[8] for tier lists, discussions and all your battling needs now that its working!
Fixed 'Level 50' bug. If you've experienced it, you may be able to get your levels fully back by talking to the plants in the Telnor Town center.
Fixed New Moon being drastically OP (it had a 1.85x multiplier, which was a bug, instead of a 1.35 one. Also got rid of Dark Void 100% accuracy buff)
Fixed Purity Mode crashes
Female character sprite outlines
You can now forfeit races by going behind the startline.
Purity mode now gets Kanto starter stones instead of Delta ones (Currently only with Venusaur).
Fixed Dive boundaries in Maelstrom 9
Fixed a bug with Pokemon being able to dive without the gear
You no longer need anything to surface from diving
Fixed being able to visit your own base if capitalization is used in a certain way
Fixed bug with Scraggy/Scrafty and their Deltas having swapped sprites
Fixed sprites in Hidden Workshop event
Fixed Delta Ralts line random gender oddities
Removed X-Attack from Anastasia
Fixed opening pause menu messing up races
Fixed Tesseract in sewers
Fixed tables in Abyssal Base
Fixed a bug with the VIP pass
Added 'Mini' theme (20x20 circle) to Secret Base <- might be a couple minor bugs with this one.
Fixed Route 10 Hidden Grotto
Fixed MegaZard and MegaMewtwo
Item stacks now go to 999 instead of 99
Unlocked difficulty changing. Also, fixed bug where it was set to easy after Xavier battle
Changed the way the Pokepon timer works. It's no longer purely based off of time.
Fixed Dark Sonata bug with Suntouched City encounters
Fixed Metronome being able to pull from Zeta/Omicron moves
Nerfed Orion hardmode slightly
Detect and Counter no longer smash rocks
Fixed a bunch of small bugs to do with Persephone's Mega Evolution
Fixed Xavier's sprite
Fixed issues with Swirlix and Spritzee's evolutions
Fixed refreshing map in Safari Zone messing things up (why are you doing this? >:( )
Fixed Sound-based moves not bypassing Substitute
Improved Pokepon's item selection drastically
Fixed a few issues with the level cap.
Fixed Absol's moveset
Fixed Defog tutor learnset
Fixed being able to snatch Drakon Voice and Ancient Roar
Fixed background in 6th Gym
Fixed legendary summoning animations in Fiery Caverns
Fixed PP bug with that Smeargle in the caverns
Fixed a darkrai cultist talking about sacrifice in light mode
Fixed Reukra walking through your mons
Fixed entrance to workshop flashing blue for some reason
Added Hair Dye icons
Fixed being able to skip Gyms 4 and 5
Fixed needing to press C on abandoned wing's entrance
Librarian now has new text after talking to him after seeing prophecy
Safari Zone now displays location every time you enter a new section
Fixed La Feu's HP Pill being named incorrectly
Moved Chansey in Jade Tower
Fixed Kami trio and Deoxy's catch rates
Fixed an easy way to beat Fiery Caverns puzzles
Fixed Nora's dialogue in library not displaying correctly
Fixed Bunnelby's abilities
Fixed removing Armor from a Pokemon causing it not to update its stats immediately.
Fixed Taen's Typhlosion having Earth Power
Fixed Delta Grimer/Muk's dex entries
Fixed some minor text errors
Fixed some minor tile errors
Hid two more Mega Stones around the region! One for an XYORAS Mega, and one of one of ours! See if you can find them!
Fixed major bug with trainer crashes.
Fixed post-1.1 bug with double battle -> crash
Fixed Feraligatrite crash
Fixed Damian's starter being nondelta when Purity is off
Fixed Pokepon not being animated correctly, as well as it being possible to get nothing from it.
Fixed bugs with U-Turn/Volt Switch (when they faint the opposing Pokemon)
Fixed Alpha/Omega symbol not showing up in UI for Primal Kyogre/Groudon
Fixed a variety of other bugs to do with the starter selection.
Buffed the 3 cult leader battles in 1.1, as well as Gym 6
Added Delta Combee to a grotto, because I honestly have no idea where it is.
Fixed 'La Feu' pills crashing the game.
Fixed a problem with the Helios -> Black Market shortcut.
Fixed a couple speech bubble glitches and typos
Fully removed Dark Void from D. Roserade's learnset
Fixed the stats of two secret megas that were weaker and easily beaten because their stats were messed up :[
Delta Grimer and Muk now gets Stealth Rock
Added Moonblast to Milotic's moveset (for the mega)
Fixed some Delta sprites/ows
EDIT: Also fixes a problem with online battling but adds another one. Fixes the RNG not syncing, but there seems to be a problem with non-damaging moves. Not quite sure what it is, if y'all in the IRC could give me a hand with figuring it out I'd appreciate it!
Added Mega Shiftry and Shiftrite into the game! If you want his stone, patch up and check the Mystery Gifts!
Fixed Z (boss of Fiery Caverns in Hekate Town)'s Mega not activating. If you havent done this battle, definitely patch because you don't want to miss this!
Fixed some passability issues in Darkrai/Abyssal bases
Fixed not getting money after Sonata Races
Fixed dive spots in Cyan Caver
Fixed Safari zone crashes
Fixed post-1.1 dark mode bug where battles would be double battles and crash.
Fixed bug with double battle and megas (being able to M.E. both of them)
Fixed Darkrai and Gengar not disappearing in light mode, beginning of game
Fixed Pokepon reset timer
Changed the stats of a lot of new megas! I'll make a post in /r/InsurgenceBattles[8] that describes them)
Fixed 1.1 dark mode not saying its the end of the demo
Fixed Smeargle guy crashing game
Fixed Delta Luxray's typing
Fixed La Feu pills going over EV total :l
Fixed La Feu not needing
Removed mysterious IP tree
Fixed 3rd FS pokemon not appearing after beating 6th Gym
Added SR and Defog tutors to the game! In Selene and Kepler respectively.
Fixed Armors being trickable
Fixed a Delta in Selene not showing in OW
Got rid of Nora's Drakon Voice in Taen battle
Added Purity Mode changes for opposing trainers
Made VIP Pass a key item
Nerfed Delta Roserade by switching Dark Void -> Lovely Kiss. I'm sorry :
Nerfed BP of Lunar Cannon
Fixed Anastasia's movement patterns if she is approached from behind
Fixed post-Jaern battle crash
Fixed alternate form mons not working online
Fixed freeze when Autorun key is pressed in a race
Spiritomb's moveset was changed slightly to give it some more physical moves.
Fixed Sunlight not damaging Pokemon with Heliophobia
Fixed the moveset of many Delta Pokemon (and Shroomish for some reason)
Fixed Delta Gardevoirite rift not working.
Fixed the Miara Museum event replaying under certain conditions
Fixed 'flower' bug on Route 7
Fixed the Mega Animation not fully working (theres supposed to be an animation overtop the black line)
Fixed freezes in Miara Museum
Fixed encounters on Route 7
Fixed trade crashes
Fixed not being able to start the game in Dark Story, and not be able to pick a starter in light story
Fixed Delta Grimer loop
Fixed control menu crashes
Fixed mystery gift crashes
Fixed Primal Kyogre not working
Fixed Hyper Potion crash in Nasca
Reduced encounter rate in Hekate City
Fixed Delta Snorunt event
Fixed Safari Zone
Fixed Rotom-form changers
Fixed Seed Flare bug in Abyssal base
Fixed certain music not playing
Fixed some battlebacks before battles
And a bunch of other smaller things
Never released to public
Added gameplay up until the 6th Gym!
Rewrote nearly all the dialogue
Revamped some early game areas to make them more lively and interesting.
Fixed major bug with turn order
Added Light/Dark story modes.
Added a brand new difficulty mode. Includes harder/easier AI, different movesets and a level cap for hard mode.
Made changes in the early game to do with exp getting and trainer amount.
Fixed the problem with 6th gen cries
Fixed a huge amount of bugs with Online Play
Added 'Pokemon Races' in Sonata City
Vastly improved the summoning animations of legendaries. Just wait and see :]
Added 'Pikataxi' mechanic- replacement for Rocket Boots. Your Rocket Boots will disappear for something of equal value.
Fixed that one bug where it flicked back to bag after pressing left too fast after leaving bag
Added a new Broadcast Tower mission
Fixed Defiant/Competitive
Nerfed Clinty a slight bit
Fixed overabundance of hax
All learnsets have been fully updated to ORAS
Added 'Pokepon' mechanic'
Brought back Triple Triad :]
Secret Base placement now says 'Would you like to place another?'
New SB theme.
Fixed Last Resort
-Fixed Life Orb not immediately killing the pokemon
Added Dragon Scale and Metal Coat to Helios Dept. Store
Substitute now has an animation and a sprite that stays there
Modified some boss teams
improved Broadcast Tower 1 Mission
Taen now has his own battle music and character sprite!
Added M-Gothitelle, M-Miltank, and several more, hidden!
Added two more 'Register' keys for items!
Redesigned Gym Leader Xavier
Added a new, easy, way to access the Black Market, and a new shop down there
Redesigned a whole number of Delta Pokemon!
Fixed pixel glitching with female sprites
Added a couple new hats! A crown for one.
Fixed AI bug where they would not attack
Fixed dusk balls not getting a bonus in caves
fixed Freeze Dry's hyper priority
The people who offer you elemental stones now let you back out of the menu
Fixed randomizer not drawing from ALL gen 6 mons
Fixed hatching egg killing all music in area
Fixed Aegislash's ability being broken
Fixed Nora's pokemon in metchi
Fixed Life Orb not actually giving a damage boost
Healing via PC works again, just not on nuzlockes
Fixed follower showing up in post 1.0 cutscene
Fixed smashing rocks having a 1/121 chance of crashing
Fixed quitting challenge runs resulting in items disappearing
Removed Z/O exclusive challenge run info from start of game
Mega Eevee now functions differently. It's transformation is now prioritized and causes a speed recalc when it does.
Fixed destiny knot bug
You don't need to type in your username/password each time you login
Sylveon and Leafeon can now be obtained (Sylveon through high happiness instead of affection
Added new battleback for [1.0 final boss]'s battle
Fixed Refridgerate not letting you hit ghost-types
Fixed Volt Absorb not absorbing correct amount of health and not interacting with V. Switch correctly
You can no longer use A. Capsules on single-ability pokemon
Fixed Beat Up & Eerie Impulse
Fixed Embargo causing Mega Stones to become dysfunctional
Fixed a dialogue error in the event where you meet Nora
Helios guy keeps rubbing his eggs in your face
Fixed Shaymin having Arceus' cry
Fixed Grassy Terrain
Nerfed New Moon a bit
Changed M-Eevee-Glaceon's ability to Ice Body
Fixed FS unown only having 'A'
Got rid of Deino from EV trainer
Fixed 'Venom Drench'
Fixed infinite Barboach trade in Helios
Got rid of wilheim scream
Some small typos in items
small text errors
Added Delta Scizorite
Fixed a crash bug due to hair in online battling.
Fixed game saying you can't randomizer + egglocke, letting the player do it anyways, then crashing
Updated breeding mechanics in terms of HAs and Ditto
Fixed bug where one would return to a Volcano for their Secret Base if they chose Evil Base, from time to time
Fixed Ghost-types not being able to siwtch out when trapped
Fixed odd nurse sprite direction in the secret base
Fixed AI bug where they would toxic during the same turn you antidote (added discouragement, will still happen)
Removed a major crashing debug thing from Helios
Fixed forced evolution loop if evolving through rare candies or in an egglocke
Fixed Mega Flyon's type not always interacting properly
Fixed pants bug in the cores (original bug did not exist in patches only cores)
Changed one of Delta Scizor's two abilities from Hustle to Scrappy
Fixed Hidden Grotto display bug (might need to reset grotto)
Fixed Amaura line's stats
fixed Venom Drench being read as a sound move
Fixed Tyrunts HA
Fixed a bunch of egg hatch times.
Fixed Carbink having gender
Fixed postmortem Lightningrod
Fixed gender mistake in Jade Tower speech
Fixed ledges in Xavier's Gym
Fixed passability bug in Frost Castle
Fixed some typos
Fixed darkrai statue interaction bug
Fixed Charmander not learning FBlitz through relearner
Fixed Talonflame not getting Aerial Ace
Fixed Venipede not have Egg move Swords Dance
Fixed Volcarona not getting Bug Buzz from relearner
Fixed Tyrantrum not getting Head Smash relearner
Fixed a surfing crash bug in 1.0.11 take 1.
Updated Destiny Knot to Gen IV VI mechanics
Fixed major bug when starting Egglockes (Mew not responding)
Fixed Egglockes generation crash
Fully exorcised water-walking bug.
Fixed being able to be hit when using Phantom Force
Fixed red hair bug
Pants, idk why you guys cared about this so much it doesn't change that much
Fixed Aroma Lady being invisible
Fixed teleporters not working immediately when visiting someone elses base
Fixed some tile errors
Fixed landsurfing on Route 7 bridge
Added a PC to Day Care
Future Helioptile eggs generated won't have absurdly long hatch times
Fixed Paralyz heals, though they were in the shops, not actually displaying
Fixed Magmarizer not appearing in Helios Dept. Store
Fixed a book error in Roggan Town
Fixed Huntail evolution
Fixed a passability bug in Metchi Town
Fixed Tyrunt's HA
Changed Delta Mega Blastoise's ability to Mega Launcher because I got like 8 pms about it
Fixed Volcarona's learnset list
Fixed bug with Egglockes, Randomizers, and Soloruns
The game now remembers your last login when trying to login to the server.
In online battles, all Pokemon become level 50 like in the real games. This lets competitive battles actually happen.
Fixed a bug with random generation eggs in Egglocke
Fixed Hair dye being broken
Fixed Pidgeot, Cloyster, Magcargo, not learning Hurricane, Shell Smash, Earth Power by relearn respectively
Fixed Dex not registering new hatches
Due to popular request Delta Ralts line now learns Livewire by TM
Fixed some tile errors
Fixed Karrablast evolving into Shelmet rather than Escavalier
Fixed eggs hatching Hardy
Fixed Defiant/Competitive cancelling the stat drop that triggers it
Fixed Wallpaper option appearing even though that isn't really a thing anymore.
Fixed Skrelp and Goomy lines EV giveaways
Fixed the bug where your character would randomly swap genders (in theory) but keep the same hair
Updated Azumarill's learnset to ORAS
Fixed some guy referencing a 'Surfboard' in Suntouched City
You can now exit your OWN secret base using the tablet if you happen to get stuck.
Fixed Venusaur plush bug
Fixed Rock Climb rocks not saying anything
Fixed a bug with loading Egglocke abilities
Fixed 'SYLVEON1' message bug. This was a debug thing i forgot to take out.
Fixed getting stuck in the center after losing to Damian in Rezzai bug.
Changes before these were removed from the subreddit, and can unfortunately not be found.
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